Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 3-9.)


Ha még esetleg nem nem lett volna időtök alaposan szétnézni a március elején megjelent korongok között, az alábbi lista nyújthat némi segítséget.

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 3-9.)

Adamantis Reforged (power metal)
Ahí Náahaí Astral Lights in a Cosmic Burial (atmoszferikus black metal)
Akaamelda Death Equals Relief (melodikus death metal)
All Empires Fall Chronicles of the Unseen (power metal)
As Thou Wilt My Time Has Not Yet Come (black metal)
Astral Woods Into the Mystical Lands (black metal)
Avulsed Phoenix Cryptobiosis (death metal)
Axident Endless Devastation (thrash metal)
Bardos de Amergin Hinos Alcoólicos (folk metal)
Beurk Enjoy Your Ride (stoner metal)
Black Yet Full of Stars In Glorious Red (szimfonikus power/progresszív metal)
Carbon Seed Silent Collapse (brutális death metal)
Christian Mistress Children of the Earth (heavy metal)
Ciel S.R.A.T.M.E.O. (post-metal)
Corporal Punishment Inverted Demise (death metal)
Cosmoveillance Spatiotemporal Evolution (technikás death metal)
Cradle the Grave It’s Time to Die (blackened death metal)
Cranium Drain Death Dealers (blackened heavy metal)
Cryptosis Celestial Death (progresszív thrash metal)
Cult of Extinction Nightmare Ascension (black/death metal)
Cursed Darkness Monoliths of Eternal Night (melodikus death/black metal)
Dakhmas 2045 (groove metal/djent)
Dawn of Ouroboros Bioluminescence (progresszív post-black/death metal)
Deapscufa Spellbound (szimfonikus black metal)
Deathless Legacy Damnatio Aeterna (heavy metal)
Der Stürmer Resurgence of the Flame (black metal)
Destruction Birth of Malice (thrash metal)
Dhune Agony Tool (stoner metal)
Draconis We Are the Virus (death metal)
Dracyor Nocturnal Pieces (gótikus metal)
Dragon Skull Chaos Fire Vengeance (heavy metal)
Druma Sores of Our Time (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Eisenblut The Struggle for Existence (black metal)
Empire Filth Return to Eden (groove metal)
Empty Forest Fragments of Bitter Misfortune (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Erocis The Sunken Lands (epikus folk metal)
Escapade to Serenity Adventures in Lore (blackened heavy metal)
Exfeciate Enthroned in Desiccation (slam/brutális death metal)
Fat Grass Fat Grass (stoner metal/rock)
Fermentor Agreement (death metal)
Fögbötler Nebula Pestilentiæ (black metal)
Forevercold Ez a szomorú világ (atmoszferikus black metal)
Formis Bestiarius (death/thrash metal)
Frogg Eclipse (progresszív/technikás deathcore)
Gaia Metal Pentandra (heavy/power metal)
Gentle Beast Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier… (stoner/doom metal)
Ghorm A Vagrant’s Lament (black metal)
Grey Mountain Grey Mountain (doom/death/post-metal)
Guiltless Teeth to Sky (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Harvest of Ash Castaway (doom/post-metal)
Holy Death Paradice (doom/death metal)
Hush Forever More (heavy metal)
Idmon’s Aegis Under the Auspices of Idmon (heavy metal)
Impurity The Eternal Sleep (death metal)
Irony of Fate Equinox (melodikus death/groove metal)
Istapp Sól tér sortna (melodikus black metal)
Jethro Tull Curious Ruminant (progresszív/folk rock)
K L P S K L P S (sludge/post-metal)
Kadavermarch Kadavermarch (stoner metal/rock)
Kaiser 2nd Sound (stoner metal)
Krüger Подлежит уничтожению (power/speed metal)
Kryptograf Kryptonomicon (doom metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Lacrimosa Lament (gótikus/szimfonikus metal)
La Torture des Ténèbres Episode VII – Revenge of Unfailing Valor (black metal/ambient)
Lights of Skadi A Cinematic Experience (progresszív metal)
Lude Eternal Womb of Celestial Decay (death metal)
Magistry The New Aeon (szimfonikus metal)
Mars Cosmic Squid (stoner/doom metal)
Mass Burial May Darkness Come (death metal)
Menetekel Aus kalt wird neu (black metal)
Mercury Tide Walls of Confusion (heavy/power metal)
Mircalla Paradox 333 (gótikus/doom metal)
Moonchapel Endless Chasms of Ash and Inequity (black/death metal)
Mortuaire Monde vide (doom/death metal)
Necrambulant Upheaval of Malignant Necrambulance (slam/brutális death metal)
Necrochakal Golgothian Orgies of Bestial Lust (black/thrash metal)
Necropsyum Inexistencial Inexistência (black metal)
Nekyros Nyxian Path (black metal)
Neopera Eternal Source (szimfonikus metal)
Nephylim Circuition (melodikus death metal)
Niviane Queen of Phantoms (power metal)
Nostalgique Dreaming Alone (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Nostalgique Special Secret Place (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Ophicvs Steel Beast (black/heavy metal)
Oppressive Descent Infamy (black metal)
Ordensburg Im blut’gen Völkerringen (black metal)
Outburst Devouring the Masses (speed/thrash metal)
Pentakolo Exiled to Infinite Gloom (death/thrash metal)
Phantom Druid The Edge of Oblivion (doom metal)
Profane Protokol Nuclear Desecration Commando (black/death metal)
Profondeurs Catharsis (depresszív/atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Pull the Strings Go Home and Cry (nyers black metal)
Pyres Yun (progresszív sludge metal)
Quiet River Cognitive Dissonance (blackened heavy metal)
Raging Speedhorn Night Wolf (hardcore/sludge metal)
Rainbows Are Free Silver and Gold (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Razorblade Razorblade (thrash metal/crossover)
Reekmind Mired in the Reek of Grief (death/sludge/doom metal)
Rustorm Gravity (industrial groove/doom metal)
Sacrosanct Kidron (progresszív heavy/thrash metal)
Sadist Something to Pierce (progresszív death metal)
Satan’s Basement Dedicated to Non-Compliance (sludge/drone/doom metal/grindcore/death metal)
Scalpture Landkrieg (death metal)
Scheusal Urwahn (black metal/punk)
Selvforakt Ormstukken (black/sludge metal/crust)
Separatism Куфр (death metal)
Sheol Blanc Depression (depresszív black metal/ambient)
Shrine of Denial I, Moloch (blackened death metal)
Simbiose Hope (death metal/crust/grindcore)
Sinister Soul Depravers of the Innocent’s Reflection (black metal)
Smiqra Rɡyaɡ̇dźé! (avantgárd metal)
Solar Monolith The Crooked Path (stoner/doom metal)
Spider God Possess the Devil: The Original Album (melodikus black metal)
Spirit Guardian Call of the Colossus (sludge metal)
Stygian Path The Lorekeeper (epikus power/folk metal)
Sukkubys Echoing Despair (depresszív black metal)
Svartsots Rit Doomed to Destruction (black metal)
Swamphead Nightfall (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Sword ov Hel Chosen Son of Chaos (black metal)
Tauremorna The Revelation of the Unholy Covenant (black metal)
Teodors – Nullification (progresszív death metal/metalcore)
The Death Wheelers The Ecstasy of Möld (stoner/doom metal/rock)
The Unguided Hellven (elektronika/melodikus groove metal/metalcore)
The Wrestlers The Wrestlers (thrash metal)
This Gift Is a Curse Heir (black/sludge metal/hardcore)
Throne of Iron Adventure Two (heavy metal)
Tommy Concrete Robot Corpse (progresszív metal)
Torpedo Torpedo Arrows of Time (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal)
Uorvana Echoes from Soil (atmoszferikus black metal)
Varkensstad The Horror (progresszív metal)
Vile Reflux Malformed Abomination (brutális death metal)
Vintage Solemnity Memento Mori, Memento Metali (black metal)
Vorbat The Immortal Sacrifice (black metal)
War Magic Atomic Rites (death metal)
Whipstriker Cry of Extinction (heavy/speed metal)
Whitechapel Hymns in Dissonance (deathcore)
Whydah Destined to Conquer (crossover/thrash metal)
Wiedergänger Stillborn Grace of Liberty (atmoszferikus black metal)
Wildfire Rise (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Ziz Raison d’être (black metal)

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