Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. augusztus 5-11.)


Augusztus második hetében is dohogott az underground. Szemezgettünk nektek annak a hétnek az újdonságaiból.

Anal Mandica Najbolji thrash metal album svih vremena (crossover/thrash metal)
Anoxide Morals & Dogma (death metal)
Aquanaut Aquanaut (stoner/doom metal)
Atranium My Journey to Black Hole (black metal)
Barred Spiral Distant Observer (atmoszferikus black/death metal)
Beleriand Through Shadows to the Edge of Night (atmoszferikus black metal)
Beyond Xoth Trans-Neptunian Horrors (funeral doom/death metal)
Bless the Dead We Create This (southern metal/metalcore)
Cadaver Vampire Corpus Zone (black/death metal)
Carnivore Diprosopus Rise of the Insurrection (brutális death metal)
Choronzon Necrocene Vastation (avantgárd metal/elektronika/ambient)
Conjurers of the Moon Conjurers of the Moon (black metal)
Corpus Mortum Regnum Mortis (blackened death metal)
Corrupted Pray for the Hollow Sun (drone/doom/sludge metal)
Cosmic Mockery Within the Callous Hands of Fate (black metal)
Cremulation Amalgamated Abomination (death metal)
CrusHuman Crushuman (death metal)
D.E.A.D Of Vile and Hate (death/thrash metal)
Dark Matter The Neighbourhood Watch (doom metal)
Dead End Solution Arctic Desolation (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Deserter Disfigured Revelation (brutális death metal)
Diamortal Proceeding Inhumanity (melodikus death metal)
Dim Enfilade Wherefore Disgust to Fairness Turn? (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Earth Ship Soar (sludge/doom metal)
Einsamkeit Su̱wa̱’ i̱à̱chkili (black metal/ambient)
Entering Polaris Myths in Motion (progresszív metal)
Entering Polaris Songs of Ivory and Obsidian (progresszív metal)
Ethreum In Fundamentis Mortis (black metal)
Feind Ambulante Hirnamputation (death metal/grindcore)
Fuckhammer Scorched Earth Prophets (sludge/crust/death metal)
Fulci Duck Face Killings (brutális death metal)
Gråt Strigoi The Prophetic Silence (depresszív black metal)
Grimworm Feed the Earth (doom metal)
Hail Sathanas Chosen Son of Chaos (black metal)
HammerFall Avenge the Fallen (heavy/power metal)
Hardy Мир криминала (heavy metal)
Hatskrømt Gjerdingsæterkvadet (black metal)
Heavenblack Blindfolded (heavy metal/hard rock)
Hiányzol Lidércnyomás (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
In Aphelion Reaperdawn (black metal)
Iniquitous Monolith Monstrous Degradation (slam/brutális death metal)
Kaisas Leria (heavy metal/hard rock)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Flight b741 (pszichedelikus rock)
Kurokuma Of Amber and Sand (sludge/doom metal)
Legions of Malphas The Blood of Kings (black metal)
Magan Visions from Beyond (szimfonikus black metal)
Malamorte Abisso (heavy metal)
Malodorous The Carrion Recoil (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Mamaleek Vida Blue (experimental rock)
Mausoleum Defiling the Decayed (death metal)
Mnajdra In the Name of the Goddess (black metal)
Mojo Rudo Mojo Rudo (stoner metal/rock)
Monument of Misanthropy Vile Postmortem Irrumatio (brutális death metal)
Mortuorum Necro Dragons (death/black metal)
Mushroomhead Call The Devil (alternatív/nu metal)
Mystechron Cosmic Entropic Iconoclasm (melodikus black/death metal)
Nebula Orionis The Long Path to Nowhere (atmoszferikus/post-black metal/ambient)
Necro Soft Don’t Test the Unmaker’s Patience (melodikus black metal)
Nekroyd Umbra Mortis (death metal)
Orra Glimmer of Hope (progresszív metal/rock)
Ostoraton Somood (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Oxygen Destroyer Guardian of the Universe (black/death/thrash metal)
Purnamwulan Gajah Mada (black metal)
Putrefier Mutated Melodies and Septic Serenades (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Quantumleaper Action and Reaction (melodikus death/power metal)
Remembrance Towards Arcane Ends (doom/death metal)
Retalhador Escória (thrash metal)
Røkkr Mørkdrøm (black metal)
Saint Immortalizer (heavy metal)
Sator Marte Omnicide (black metal)
Savage Pleasure Savage Pleasure (black metal/crust punk)
Serotonin Leakage Mescaline Power II (Part II) (death/black metal/goregrind)
Shuravi در دفاع از انقلاب/In Defense of the Revolution (black metal)
Sinister Rais The Shall Eat the Flesh of Their Sons (nyers black metal/noise/ambient)
Siphoned Life Plagueland (progresszív death metal)
Skjaldborg Auf Ketten kommt der Tod (viking/pogány metal)
Strevellna Revoldom (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Stygian Storm The Flame of Rebelllion Never Dies (black metal)
Tårfödd Disciples of the Ghost (post-black/progresszív metal)
The Aphelion Nascence (progresszív metal)
The Erik Allen Band The Wanderer (black/heavy metal)
Thunder, Tomb & Throne Where Fathers Awaken (heavy/stoner metal)
Thy Throne Tales from the Void (death/groove metal)
Tides of Chaos Crossing the Threshold (melodikus death/black metal)
Turpitude Nécromancien! Aubergiste! (black metal)
Venoject Anima (thrash metal)
Vesper the Aerial Devote Eternal (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Viacrucis Melhorament (blackened death metal)
Viscera Infest Teratoma (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Voidstrider Voidstrider (heavy/stoner metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Waldseel Von Morast und Eisen (atmoszferikus black metal)
WhiteDark Bones Under the Snow (black metal)
Xùr’th I (black metal/ambient)

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