Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. szeptember 18-24.)


Vessétek bele magatokat az újdonságok bőséges kínálatába. Az őszi dömping már most elkezdődött, előrevetítve az októberi csúcsidőszakot.

1,000,000 Holy Mothers 1,000,000 Holy Mothers (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Abominated Traumatic Putrefaction (death metal)
Absyde The Atheist (black metal)
Acausal Intrusion Panpsychism (technikás death metal)
Acid Mass Agonizer (thrash metal)
Aeons of Ashes The Wasteland Chronicles (melodikus death metal)
Amorphus Worst Place (melodikus death/black metal)
Angel Rising Afterlife (progresszív death/thrash/groove metal)
Anima Hereticae Descended from the Mountains (melodikus death metal)
Apostolica Animae Haeretica (szimfonikus power metal)
Archaeic Damnation Arkaik (melodikus black metal)
Arghoslent Resuscitation of the Revanchists (melodikus death metal)
Aset Astral Rape (black metal)
Bad As Fight the Demons (progresszív metal/hard rock)
Bekor Qilish The Flesh of a New God (avantgárd extrém metal)
Bergrizen Orathania (black metal)
Blackmoon Eclipse The Wolf in the Man (black metal)
Bonfire Don’t Touch the Light MMXXIII (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Bonfire Fireworks MMXXIII (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Bonfire Point Blank MMXXIII (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Born in Exile Major Arcana (melodikus progresszív metal)
Brainscanner Slow Evolution (industrial sludge metal)
Bulletbelt Burn It Up (black/thrash metal)
By Fire & Sword Glory (heavy/power metal)
Cachot d’Effroi Cachot d’effroi (nyers black metal)
Cannibal Corpse Chaos Horrific (death metal)
Capela Mortuária Monstro (thrash metal)
Carcharodon Sbhorror (death ‘n’ roll/stoner metal)
Cerebrium The Happiest Days (black/doom metal)
Chaos Control The Legacy Within (power/speed metal)
Chaver Of Gloom (death/black metal/HC/crust)
Coal and Steel Miners for Real (heavy metal)
Count Witchfinder Witch Trial (doom metal)
Crimson Butchery Repulsive Exhibition (brutális/technikás death metal)
Critical Heartbeat Revolution (heavy metal)
Cursed by Weed Drug Island (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Ledges (black metal/dungeon synth)
Dead Feathers Full Circle (pszichedelikus rock)
Deadspace Unveiling the Palest Truth (depresszív black/gothic metal)
Death Dealer Union Initiation (heavy metal/hard rock)
Deimos Aversion for Meekness (melodikus black/death metal)
Destabilizer Violence Is the Answer! (thrash metal)
Diglossia Nautical Scar (melodikus black metal)
Domini Inferi Reversed Prayers (black metal)
Dverg The Last Sanctum (black metal/dungeon synth)
Dying Embers Of Things to Come (black/death metal)
Ecpatia Black Sorrow Metal (depresszív/post-black metal)
Exorcism Wounds Submit to the Dead (black/speed/thrash metal)
Exorcizphobia Spiritual Exodus (thrash metal)
Farscape Purged and Forgotten (thrash metal)
Firulais Beneath the Darkened Skies of the Firulais (black metal)
Frostgoroth Frozen Metal Blade (nyers black metal)
Gøren Summon (doom/stoner/sludge metal)
Grand Celestial Nightmare The Great Apocalyptic Desolation (szimfonikus black metal)
Great Master Montecristo (power metal)
Grift Dolt land (black metal)
Grim Ravine Upon the Darkest Shores (sludge/doom metal)
Grymheart Hellish Hunt (melodikus death/power metal)
Hammerfilosofi The Desolate One (black metal)
Hands of Orlac Hebetudo Mentis (doom metal)
Hanok Sokrat’ın Sonu (heavy/thrash metal)
Haurun Wilting Within (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Hertz Kankarok Gothic Materialism (avantgárd gothic metal)
Hexenbann As Night Approaches (black metal)
Hexvessel Polar Veil (folk/pszichedelikus rock/atmoszferikus/doom metal)
Infibulated Diabolical Euphoric Subjugation (brutális death metal)
INRI Immortal Postmodernism (thrash/death metal)
Kerrigan Bloodmoon (heavy metal)
Kings Rot At the Gates of Adversarial Darkness (black metal)
Lacrau Axioma (depresszív black/doom metal)
Luxaeterna Luxaeterna (atmoszferikus/technikás death metal)
Maloik The Last Whisper (progresszív thrash/death metal)
Melan Selas Zephyrean Hymns (black metal)
Melted The Glory of the Genocide (brutális death metal)
Memento Mori Melancholic Memories (depresszív black metal)
Mercenary Soundtrack for the End Times (melodikus death/groove/power metal)
Merge for the Kill Civilization Through Elimination (death/thrash metal/hardcore)
Misanthropic War Utter Human Annihilation (death metal)
Mortal Tendency Mortal Tendency (progresszív death/thrash metal)
Mortuorum Blackest Visions (death/black metal)
My Lament The Season Came Undone (doom/death metal)
Necromorph World’s Disgrace (death metal/grindcore)
Necrotted Imperium (death metal/deathcore)
Nihilanth The Resurrection of Evil (nyers black metal)
Noctomb Noctomb (black/sludge metal)
Octavus Lupus Octavus Lupus (szimfonikus metal)
October Noir Letters to Existence (gothic/doom metal)
Orbiter Hollow World (stoner/doom metal)
Ordalia Odes for Victory (epic heavy/doom metal)
Ôros Kaù Thanatos (black metal)
Outrun the Day Burden (stoner metal)
Pathless Land Bloodlines (progresszív heavy/power metal)
Permutation Transience (melodikus death/black metal)
Pestfader Morbolacria (black/death metal)
Porkfarm Disfiguring Humanity (brutális death metal)
Profanatica Crux Simplex (black/death metal)
Proliferhate Wake Before the Dying Sun (progresszív death metal/deathcore)
Raspy Junker Bad Queen (heavy/groove metal)
Ravenrealm An Oath Passed in Twilight (black metal)
Rebaelliun Under the Sign of Rebellion (death metal)
Recurrence The Exit (melodikus death/groove metal/metalcore)
Ronin Valak the Defiler (heavy metal)
Saclas Achamoth (death metal)
Se Lusiferin Kannel II (atmoszferikus black metal)
Septiroth Wallachian Mystics (black/doom metal/ambient)
Skardus Stormriek (black metal)
Solar Sons Another Dimension (heavy/progresszív metal)
Solautumn Inumanazione (doom/death metal/depresszív rock)
Solus Grief What If This Was Everything (atmoszferikus black metal)
Son ov Leviathan Lvcifugium (black/death metal)
Sorcerer’s Sword Mighty Pact of Evil (black/thrash metal)
Soul Invictus II-Eclosion (doom metal)
Spawn of Annihilation Illusory Orbit of Ominous Anomalies (technikás brutális death metal)
Speedtrip Apocalyptic Killzone (heavy/thrash metal)
Starlit Melancholy To Wilt Beneath the Stars (atmoszferikus black metal)
Subsignal A Poetry of Rain (progresszív metal/rock)
Suffer Yourself Axis of Tortures (funeral doom/death metal)
Terminating Death Complete Obliteration of Self View (blackened sludge/doom metal)
The Gloomy Radiance of the Moon Hidden in the Darkness… (szimfonikus black metal)
The Moth Frost (sludge metal)
The Shy Teratoma (sludge metal)
Thy Art Is Murder Godlike (technikás deathcore)
Torch Jaw Mist (heavy/groove metal/deathcore)
Torture Squad Devilish (thrash/death metal)
Triste Tage Und die Hörner des Sommers verstummten (atmoszf./depresszív black metal)
Tyranex Reasons for the Slaughter (speed/thrash metal)
Uhritulet Uhritulet (black metal)
Unbegotten Astral Terror (black metal)
Ushangvagush Pestmo’qon (nyers black metal)
Vengeance Sewer Surge (heavy/speed metal)
Verderbnis Paria (melodikus black metal)
Viscerate Everybody Dies (heavy/thrash/groove metal)
Void Sanctum Sprawling Landscapes of Deprived Life (nyers black metal)
Vozorov To Become a Carnivore (slam/brutális death metal)
Winterstorm Everfrost (power/folk metal)
Winterwald Die kalte Pein (atmoszferikus black metal)
Wormhole Almost Human (technikás brutális death metal/deathcore)
xTheophilusx Si Deus Nobiscum, Quis Cotra Nos (death metal)
Zodomy Pact with the Devil (black/thrash metal)
Zvylpwkua The Outlying Entities (avantgárd death metal/jazz)

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