Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 10-16.)


Az aktuális hetet nyugtázzuk az újdonságok alábbi lajstromával. Összeszedtük az oroszlánrészét annak, ami a metal undergroundban az utóbbi napokban megjelent.

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 10-16.)

Ad Baculum Necro Biomechanical Existence (black metal)
Adalwolf Wolfsland Pt. II (black metal)
Ade Supplicium (death/folk metal)
Alesya Chants d’une lignée sanglante (nyers black metal)
All Against Straight Down to Hell (thrash/groove metal)
All That Heaven Allows Hôtel du Nord (post-black/death metal)
Alzhagoth Ad Finem (melodikus death metal)
An Evening with Knives End of Time (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Anomos Triumvirate (melodikus death metal)
AntiPröphet Maim, Possession & Decimation (black metal/crust/punk)
Apovrasma Nachtschade (black metal)
Artavoz Lashkari Satanis (black metal)
Astral Fortress Aeons ov Agony (atmoszferikus black metal)
Ataraktika The Hollow Orbit (black metal)
Athiel Maw of the Curse (black metal)
Attenuated Deus Ex Machina (heavy metal)
Avsjoy Avsjoy (death metal/crust)
Black & Damned Resurrection (heavy/power metal)
Blodmåne Infernal Manifest (black metal)
Borgne Renaître de ses fanges (industrial black metal)
Burning Dead Into the Abyss (heavy metal)
Butchers Postumus (thrash metal)
Chaosmic Remind Death We Fight (progresszív stoner metal)
Charlie Griffiths Gods of Pangaea (progresszív metal)
Ciconia Synaesthetic Garbage (progresszív metal/post-rock)
Cthuluminati Tentacula (progresszív/blackened stoner/doom metal)
Curial Veus sense nom (folk/melodikus death metal)
Curse of Khatru Curse of Khatru (death metal)
Dark Horizon 9 Ways to Salvation (szimfonikus power metal)
Death Zombie from Hell Bonds Severed and Memories Lost… (technikás/brutális death metal)
Deathox Hallucinations (thrash metal)
Dekant Poison and Deth (post-black/doom/death metal)
Depraver Necrocryptic Obliteration (black/thrash metal)
Dessiderium Keys to the Palace (melodikus/progresszív death metal)
Dione Astrolatry (black metal)
Dun Ringill 150 – Where the Old Gods Play – Act 2 (doom/folk metal)
Einsatzgruppen Shattering the Throne of Remphan (black metal)
Envisioned Impressions (atmoszferikus black metal)
Eons of Decay Tome 1 Ultima Pangea (death/black metal)
Espermaticidio Kalkutun (stoner/doom metal)
Ethyl In Vino Veritas (black metal)
Fange Purulences (industrial sludge/death metal)
Fathomless Skywalker Anthems of the Resilient (szimfonikus power metal)
Feed Them Broken Teeth On the Disfiguration of Man (death/black metal/grindcore)
Genocidal Rites Genocidal Upheaval of Subservient Abrahamic Law (black metal)
Godslave Champions (thrash metal)
Gore Temptations Feelings of Nausea (progresszív death/thrash/groove metal)
Gorgonum Chaos Perilous Ambitions (death/thrash metal)
Grvm Kvlt Ultima Equitem (black metal)
Hagalaz Rise Again (black/viking/folk metal)
Hate Inclination Maritime Depredation (brutális death metal)
Heathen Heretic Whispers from the Abyss (melodikus black/death metal)
Hellpike Metal de muerte (speed/thrash metal/crossover)
Helvitnir Wolves of the Underworld (black metal)
Hoar R u m o u r s (black metal)
Ibu en Waab Funeral Texts of Tombs (death metal)
Infektor Ignominia (thrash metal)
Keeper of the Gloom This Mastery of Snow and Cold (black metal)
Kerberos Apostle to the Malevolent (szimfonikus/progresszív death metal)
Laruam Doom, Gloom, and Putrid Stench (death metal)
Lashblood Spiritual Matter : Denial of Being (avantgárd black metal)
Machina Baphometa Antigenesis (black metal)
Mait Sar Warfront (folk/black metal)
Mancoon Cryptic Forms (doom/sludge metal)
Midnight Odyssey Master of the Nebulous Reach (ambient black metal/ambient)
Monna Formed in Fractures (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Moria Path of the Dead (blackened death metal)
Mournful Moon Twilight, My Passion (black/gótikus metal/ambient)
Murderhorde Harvesters of Suffering (death/sludge metal)
Narrow Cold Burning Tears (melodikus doom/death metal)
Necralant Uphevil (black metal)
Necrofilia Vier (death/thrash metal)
Nightstalker Return from the Point of No Return (stoner rock/metal)
Nite Cult of the Serpent Sun (blackened heavy metal)
Nomadic Rituals Fust (sludge/doom metal)
Ophidious Forgotten Shrines of Heresy (black/death metal)
Ordo Karnivorum The Restless (black metal)
Ormagoden Purphoros (heavy/thrash metal)
Perilous Grave Abhartach (szimfonikus black metal)
Phol’s Musickal Destruction The Greatest Lie (death/sludge/doom metal)
PlasmaJet Solastalgia (stoner/southern/groove metal)
Profane Anger Posthumous Memories (death/black metal)
Psycho Face Branded by Cthulhu (progresszív metal)
Purified in Blood Primal Pulse Thunder (metalcore/melodikus death metal)
Quiet River Joy (Free the Glee) (blackened heavy metal)
Reemboweled Upon the Precipice of a Cosmic Rift (death/doom metal)
Resplendency Revenge Through Dismemberment (slam/brutális death metal)
Rwake The Return of Magik (sludge/doom metal/experimental)
Sanhedrin Heat Lightning (heavy metal)
Saurom El principito (heavy/folk metal)
Scent of Thorns Deathless Heights (melodikus death/folk metal)
Smoke Sun Aclys (stoner metal/rock)
Soulspell Spirits of Ghosts (melodikus power metal)
Steven Wilson The Overview (progresszív rock)
Storm Seeker Set the Sails (folk metal)
Svartr Lupercalia (nyers black metal)
Svorght Evig (black metal)
T.H.O.R Ruinas del dolor (thrash metal)
Temair Worlds Ablaze (black/death metal)
Tentacult Untamed Revulsion (death metal)
Tetractys System Malfunction (groove metal)
Thanatophobia Twilight Space Theatre (technikás/brutális death metal)
Thinning the Herd Cull (stoner metal/rock)
Thurnin Harmr (neofolk)
Tiktaalika Gods of Pangaea (heavy metal)
Trold I skovens rige (folk metal)
Trueno Negro Neogenesis (heavy/power metal)
Udsulteren Udsulteren (black metal/post-punk)
Ukko’s Hammer Ukko’s Hammer (crossover/thrash metal)
Vallorch The Circle (folk metal)
Vel’Har Proskynesis (black metal)
Veneficus Sarcina Anachronisms III (black metal)
Vokodlok The Egregious Being (nyers black metal)
Voluptas Where Celestial Bodies Guide Not (experimental black/doom metal)
Warbringer Wrath and Ruin (thrash metal)
Warhammer Total Maniac (doom/death/thrash metal)
Wolfenstein Capital Punishment (thrash metal)
Wombbath Beyond the Abyss (death metal)
Wulkanaz Luftuz (black metal)
Crooked (progresszív groove metal)

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