Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. október 2-9.)


Az underground mélységeire az alábbi kapuk nyíltak az elmúlt egy hétben. A mi dolgunk összegyűjteni, a tietek pedig rákeresni a szimpatikusnak tűnő anyagokra.

Akitsa Devenir le diable (black metal)
Anzu Graveyard Grimoire (nyers black metal)
Apotheus Ergo Atlas (progresszív metal)
Arduinna’s Dawn Reflections (szimfonikus metal)
Auriferous Flame Ardor for Black Mastery (black metal)
Barbarian Swords Anti-Dogma Megaforce (black/doom metal)
Black Shape Bins (sludge/doom metal)
Blood Sigil Ritual Bluff (black metal)
Bloodstream Into the Abyss (black metal)
Bludgeon Oath A Burning Wrath (atmoszferikus black metal)
Caregah Osmium (groove/heavy metal)
Carnifex Necromanteum (deathcore)
Cavandish Лицемерие (melodikus black/death metal)
Chaos Luciferi Carne mutilata alla deriva (black metal)
Credimus Askesis (black metal)
Crow Black Sky Sidereal Light – Volume Two (atmoszferikus black metal)
Dark Endless Totenreich (black metal)
Decapitated Christ Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats (death metal)
Deep Agony Satan’s Dark Delight (black/doom metal)
Desdenova Branches and Blossoms (black metal/ambient)
Deus Nemesi Leggenda (heavy/thrash metal)
Devils Henchmen The Deaf Choir (heavy/thrash metal)
Disfuria Ejercicios de violencia (crust punk/powerviolence/grindcore)
Distaste Der Ertraeger und das Fleisch (grindcore/brutális death metal)
Dopelord Songs for Satan (stoner/doom metal)
Drache Devenir le rien (black metal)
Dwell in Doom Gothic Mass (doom/gótikus rock/metal)
Eagon Equilibrium (szimfonikus/progresszív metal)
Emberstar Dialogue with the Outside (thrash metal)
Entrophy Inner Hell (death metal)
Eradikated Descendants (thrash metal)
Escalpo . I . (death metal/punk)
Essence of Datum Radikal Rats (melodikus/technikás death metal)
Fimbulvetr Perkeleen äpärä (black metal)
Fires in the Distance Air Not Meant for Us (Instrumental) (melodikus doom/death metal)
Forndom Alster (neofolk)
Ghorot Wound (blackened doom metal)
Goatblood Bestial Horns of Malevolence (black/death metal)
Goatburner Fatal (death metal/grindcore)
GodKing Rites to Ascension (black metal)
Gorbag Awakening of the Old Gods (black metal)
Gore Grave Pain (brutális death metal)
Gothic Sky Последние слова покаяния (gótikus/black metal)
Grael Shadows of Love (gótikus/doom metal)
Grip on Reality Orpheus 3361 (progresszív metal)
Gruzja Koniec wakacji (black metal/experimental)
Harppia Caixa de Pandora (heavy metal)
Hästspark Ostiarius Inferni (stoner metal/rock)
Heretoir Nightsphere (post-black metal)
Huntress of Stars Pallid Scavengers on a Necrotic Husk (sludge/post-metal)
Inside the Madness Arise (groove metal/metalcore)
Iron Savior Firestar (speed/power metal)
King ov Wyrms The Womb ov Borealis (blackened death metal)
Lancaster Hell Campaign (heavy metal)
Laster Andermans mijne (experimental/atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Lethal Somos thrash (thrash/heavy metal)
Linus Klausenitzer Tulpa (progresszív death metal)
Lunar Tombfields An Arrow to the Sun (atmoszferikus black metal)
Malum In Nauseam (black metal)
Mantum Leave (black metal)
Markkheim The Death of Innocents (death metal/grindcore)
Men an Tol Forgotten Realm (atmoszferikus black metal)
Moonscar Withered Sacred Soils (gótikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Mortuorum Perfect Storm of Darkness (death/black metal)
Muggeseggel Muggeseggel (death metal/grindcore)
Next in Line Home (groove metal/metalcore)
Nocturnal Abbey The Great Blackened Swan (gótikus/doom metal)
Notturno Inside (black metal)
Nutyaš Overblown Civilizations (nyers black metal/ambient)
October Tide The Cancer Pledge (melodikus doom/death metal)
Old Tower Draconic Synthesis (dark ambient)
One Day in Pain In Pain We Trust (death metal)
Patriarchs in Black My Veneration (southern/doom metal)
Plog Eucharist (stoner/doom metal)
Prong State of Emergency (crossover/thrash metal)
Pure Chaos Rise of the Unheard (death metal)
Putrascension Forever Below (melodikus black/death metal)
Raspberry Bulbs The World Is Empty, the Heart Is Full (hardcore punk/deathrock)
Restless Spirit Afterimage (stoner/doom metal)
Revenant Marquis All the Pleasures of Heaven (nyers black metal/dark ambient)
Rtęć Wszyscy nosimy w sobie śmierć (black metal)
Salacious Gods Oalevluuk (black metal)
Salvation in Suicide Suicide Decision (depresszív black metal)
Sand into Glass Slopes of Doubt (stoner/funeral doom metal)
Seventh Son Edge of Insanity (melodikus heavy metal)
Shardborne Oars in the Water (progresszív metal)
Shitbag Submission (sludge metal)
Shrapnel Storm Silo (death metal)
SolNegre The Spiral Labyrinth (doom/death metal)
Spectral Temper Chimeric (black metal)
Stygian Ruin A World Past Hope and Fear (black metal/ambient)
Sühnopfer Nous sommes d’hier (melodikus black metal)
Swarm of Serpents Morningstar (black/death metal)
Tabahi Thrash for Justice (thrash metal)
Taliesin Disciple (progresszív metal)
Teralit The Trinitarian (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Terrorstahl Distanz (black/thrash metal)
The Band Repent The Reckoning (thrash metal)
The Grief Crucible (gótikus/doom metal)
The Negative Bias The Seven Seals of Saligia (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
The Tribulator Tribulations of Chaos (blackened death metal)
Third Storm The Locust Mantra (black metal)
Titane Hyperspace (stoner/doom metal)
Torn the Fuck Apart Kill. Bury. Repeat. (technikás death/groove metal)
Torture Chain The Reign of Deimos (black metal)
Trewan Blut und Fleisch (black metal)
Trichomoniasis Harvest of the Killing Fields (brutális death metal)
Uvikra Elapsed (progresszív rock/metal)
Void of Nothingness The Twisted Fountain (experimental black metal)
War Shepherd Act I. Atrocities Beneath a Blue Star (melodikus death metal)
Wolvennest The Dark Path to the Light (pszichedelikus black metal/ambient)
Worn Mantle Hole (blackened death/sludge metal)
Wynter Kills The Hand of the Wicked One (heavy metal)
Xorsist At the Somber Steps to Serenity (death metal)
Yolstsor The Northern Abyss (black metal/dungeon synth)

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