Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. szeptember 9-15.)


Múlt hétre tekintünk vissza a számos újdonságot rejtő alábbi listánkkal. A mindig termékeny ősz motorjai beindultak, és innentől nincs megállás.

A Plague Solve et Coagvla (black metal)
A Void Named Life Ephemeral (death/doom metal)
Aamon The Deep Abyss of R’lyeh (black metal)
Æreda Das Nacht wird kommen (atmoszferikus black metal)
Æsc In These Forests We Burn (depresszív black metal)
Aethyrick Death Is Absent (black metal)
Age of Fire From the Forge (heavy/thrash metal)
Agrypnie Erg (progresszív/post-black metal)
America Inc America Inc (heavy/melodikus death/thrash metal)
Antvmny In the Dark Woods (folk metal)
Apep Before Whom Evil Trembles (death metal)
Apokatastasis The Withering of the Disconsolate (blackened brutális death metal)
Apothic Apothic (blackened death metal)
Arvak Echoes of Bloodshed (melodikus black/death metal)
Atomic Terror Endless War (thrash metal)
Avexia Fyrst Wælm (progresszív black metal)
Bastard of Bethlehem Bastard of Bethlehem (death metal)
Black Citrus Glass Mountain (stoner/doom metal)
BleedSkin Homicidal Therapy (death metal)
Blood Howl Signs Shall Follow Them (industrial black/death metal)
Bloody Idol The Last Crusade (power metal)
Boru Self-Dealer (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Breeding Chaos Distant Planets (melodikus death metal)
Caelid The Noctilucent Glow of Sinister Fire (black metal)
Caffeine The Threshold (progresszív sludge/groove metal)
Call of Pripyat The Stone Mask of Isolation (death/doom metal)
Carrion Ending Desolation and Anemia (death metal, ambient)
Charlene Beretah Kind of Savagery (sludge/doom metal)
Corporal Shred Thrashtosterone (thrash metal)
Cova Storm Over Transylvania (black metal)
Crypt Crawler The Immortal Realm (death metal)
Dark Secret Mind Pollution (heavy metal)
Dead Flesh Stigma Necrocosmic Death Ritual (industrial black metal)
Death Decline Pattern of an Imminent Collapse (thrash/death metal)
Decedent Decedent (death metal)
Def/Light Frequency of Fear (melodikus black/death metal)
Denomination The Last Companion (death metal)
Deveikuth What You Are, We Were, What We Are, You’ll Become (drone/funeral doom metal/crust)
Doloris Lacrima Zerbrochene Seelen (depresszív black metal)
Earth [Un]Human (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Ecliptic Ĕrǫ Űgṭhĩƚxiƨƚeƨ Ḳmƀaṗḳǫsħi (experimental death metal/drone/noise)
Embrio Stillborn: VI (thrash metal)
Ërendil Songs of Ancient Magic (szimfonikus power metal)
Fat Greasy Beast Slow Down For Wildlife (stoner/doom metal)
Firtan Ethos (black metal)
Flotsam and Jetsam I Am the Weapon (power/thrash metal)
Förgjord Perkeleen weri (black metal)
Frontal Lobe Destruction Gore, For You (black/death metal/grindcore/noise)
Gallileous Dancing Ash (pszichedelikus/stoner rock)
Gates of Chaos Donum Mortis (szimfonikus black metal)
Geisterfaust Geisterfaust (blackened sludge metal)
Glare of the Sun Tal (doom/post-metal)
Great Gaia Opus Doom (pszichedelikus doom metal/ambient)
Grobian Gefangen im Nichts (black metal)
Hallowed Tenet Obnubilation 2: Pain Is by Design (melodikus doom/black metal)
Hand of Omega The End of the Beginning (sludge/doom metal)
Helevorn Espectres (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Heliolatry Worshippers of a Dying Star (black metal)
Hellstedt For No One In Particular (groove metal)
Hercules Return of the Warlord (epikus heavy metal)
Horna Nyx (Hymnejä yölle) (black metal)
In Chaos Hope Wears Black (thrash/heavy metal/hard rock)
Insectomy Insect Invasion (slam/brutális death metal)
Insurrection Obsolescence (death metal)
Internal Darkness Raped Body, Raped Mind (depresszív black metal)
Iselder Gogoniant (black metal)
Isolert Wounds of Desolation (black metal)
Jonathan Young Helldivers Heavy Metal (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Kentucky Chainsaw Bloodlust Awakening (death metal)
Khranial Monsters of Gore (black/death metal/noise)
Kirsta Ruttuvaris (nyers atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Køldbrynger Kold (nyers black metal)
Kolkhetian No Life Expectancy (depresszív black metal)
Larve Occultus Tenebrae (black metal)
Las Trumien Budowniczowie grozy (sludge/doom metal)
Le Coven du Carroir Tenebrae Fabulae (black metal)
Legions of Doom The Skull 3 (doom metal)
Magesis Realm of Torment (death metal)
Mathras El poder de la mentira (heavy metal)
Melancholy Тягун (doom/gótikus/progresszív metal)
Mind Mold Erosive (black/doom metal)
Morbid Elektrokuted Anti-Musical Black Noise Devastation (nyers black metal, noise)
Mordkaul Feeding the Machine (melodikus death metal)
Morticide Death Cannot Hold Those with Purpose… (death metal)
Mortuorum Standing in the Black Flames (death/black metal)
Mynskh Chapter II – The Last Messiah (black/death metal)
Mywitchmyblood Yetzer Hara (black/sludge/doom metal)
Naqke Lupta pentru Valahia (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Necrometer The Measurement (industrial death/thrash metal)
Nessus Tolerant Observation of Existence (progresszív death metal)
NightWraith Divergence (black/death/doom metal)
Noen hater oss Kunsten aa gjoere jorden ubeboelig (black metal)
Noir Pâle Major Arcana (melodikus doom/post-metal)
Nostalgique Final Fantasia (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Oceans of Slumber Where Gods Fear to Speak (progresszív metal/rock)
Opium Warlords Strength! (drone/doom/avantgárd metal)
Öxxö Xööx + (avantgárd/gótikus/doom metal)
Pagirnis Kai milžinai gyveno (atmoszferikus black metal)
Panachea Legacy in Minds (death metal/grindcore)
Pincer Consortium Geminus Schism (progresszív deathcore)
Post Luctum Forced to Watch You Wither (death/doom metal)
Reconstructed Torso Glimpse (brutális death metal)
Repurgator Fovea Inferno (death metal)
Ruttokosmos Apoteoosi (black metal)
Sacral Forest Forest Beyond (atmoszferikus black metal)
Satan Songs in Crimson (heavy metal)
Schwein War (industrial black metal)
Separatism Intifada (death metal)
Shadow and Claw Whereabouts Unknown (black/sludge metal)
Sisyphvs A Short History of Decay… (funeral doom metal)
Skuld Skogen (post-black metal)
Slomosa Tundra Rock (stoner rock/metal)
Soulless War and Destruction (death/groove metal)
Stryper When We Were Kings (heavy metal/hard rock)
Succumbence Fire Under the Bridge (black metal/folk/ambient)
Surt Ur In No Man’s Land (szimfonikus black metal)
Syn Absence Realm of Hate (heavy metal)
Taur-im-Duinath Verso casa (black metal)
The Jesus Lizard Rack (post/hardcore/noise rock)
Thy Will Be Done Pillar of Fire (metalcore/groove metal)
Tilikum Flowers in Antarctica (black metal)
TooEvil Lepers and Lace (heavy metal)
Torso Brain Cells (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Tortured Corpse Cavernous Lobotomy (death metal)
Trelldom …by the Shadows… (black metal)
Tripping Haze Ceremony Indicat (stoner/doom metal)
Tystnaden The Black Swan (melodikus groove/gótikus metal)
Ubiquity The Ascendant Travels Among the Stars (progresszív death metal)
Uro Destructor de cráneos (heavy metal)
Vafurlogi Í vökulli áþján (black metal)
Valkaryus Metamorphosis (heavy metal)
Varenth Under Reign of Hellfire (black metal)
Varkensstad Verschrikking (progresszív metal)
Velosity Consuming All the Evil (thrash/speed metal)
Victory Circle of Life (heavy metal/hard rock)
Vitur Transcending the Self (technikás death metal)
Vrahnas Vrahnas (heavy metal)
Warpriest Gloombreaker (heavy/doom metal)
Winterfylleth The Imperious Horizon (black metal)
Xonor All Honor Lost (thrash metal)

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