„I strongly think, as a society, that we do not speak enough about mental health as a fundamental condition for a healthy life, and we should.”


„I strongly think, as a society, that we do not speak enough about mental health as a fundamental condition for a healthy life, and we should.”

The name itself means “half dead”. I was thinking to a name for the band that could reflect the condition and the daily struggle of those who are facing depression, suicidal thoughts and mental illnesses all-around. I thought about apathy, a psychological state in which makes you feel like you’re not alive at all because it shouts down your emotions. I though how close to death depression could bring people, but the fact that Demidead could also mean “not dead yet”, it represents the will to endure too.

I’ve founded the band in 2010 with a school friend after we left a punk project. We started with covers, but I always wanted to express myself and write down my own music. So, after a while he left the band because he wanted to play more heavy metal stuff while my music had a more aggressive sound.

It was really really hard to find people that shared my vision. In those 9 years the band had harsh member turnover. I don’t know if it was bad luck or not, but I’ve always found people saying that they want to make music a living that after a while revealed themselves as hobbyist. In 2018 I had to re-found the band from zero because of that. But all those years have been profitable for my personal development as musician and composer.

The social isolation pushed my will to express even further our theme because I felt a worsening in the serenity and mental health status of my family and friends. But only after covid I’ve realized how the mental condition of the population all over the world dropped. The situation was already bad and the covid just made it worse.

Because, even if these are issues always be there in our society, a lot of people know nothing about them. As medical treatment of physical diseases and conditions are world-wide recognized and a solid reality in our society, mental health is still seen in a very superficial and ignorant perspective. It is very often misunderstood as being emotional, weak, or pointed as a problem that could be solved by ignoring it or “being strong”, “being adult”, “being mature”, and a lot of other thought that have nothing to do with psychology at all. I strongly think, as a society, that we do not speak enough about mental health as a fundamental condition for a healthy life, and we should.

Well, in fact I usually work on the music before the lyrics. It’s not a strict rule, but I try to create the atmosphere in which my thought could flow, allowing the song to become what it wants.

We are actually working on new material, but we didn’t set any target yet. It is very alike that we will publish something, but we didn’t really though about that because it’s too early.

We are actually working on that. We found great partners to work with and we think that the next year could a profitable one in terms of live shows and touring.

Thank you too for the chance given. If someone you love is going through a hardship, very bad moments due to mental issues or maybe only a bad period, just let them know that they are not alone and you believe in them. It will be more effective than addressing the problem.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Demideadband/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demidead_official/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0bi7iXYyxLfio9dScGMTkQ…

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/it/artist/demidead/1491195190

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0YZRUp4NVuCR4fgHpblpgT…

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