Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. október 7-13.)


Kereken 100 új albumot sorakoztatunk fel október második hetéből az underground zenék lelkes felkutatói számára.

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. október 7-13.)

Aberrator Beckoning Tribulation (black/death metal)
Ad Infinitum Abyss (szimfonikus metal/rock)
AfterDismantling World Full of Ugliness (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Alias Noone Weight of the World (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Amerta Nodus Tollens (post-metal)
Amputate Abysmal Ascent (death metal)
Ana Argan List Irrbloss (post-black metal)
And from These Wounds Existential (black metal/synthwave)
Andy Gillion Exilium (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Arabian Death Mask Path to Ruination (death metal)
Arcania Lost Generation (thrash metal)
Avavago Echoes of the Fallen (black/thrash/death metal)
Aydra Leave to Nowhere (technikás death metal)
Bál Nagyobb nálam (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Barathrum Überkill (black/doom metal)
Black Circle Sorcery In the Blackest Light (black metal)
Black Moon Empire Abyssus (death metal)
Bríi Camaradagem Póstuma (ambient black metal)
Casket Slime Macabre Freaks (death/thrash metal)
Cemetery Skyline Nordic Gothic (gótikus rock/metal)
Chat Pile Cool World (noise rock/sludge metal)
Cleanbreak We Are the Fire (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Clusterfux Defy (thrash metal/crossover)
Darkest Three Circles of the Urban Hell (black metal)
Delta Gemini (progresszív metal)
Demstervold Afgrondstocht (black metal)
Desolate Gathering Of The Bestial (death metal)
Dimmu Bongir Dark Medieval Hash (szimfonikus black metal)
Disseverance Death Is Only the Beginning (blackened death metal)
Doedsmaghird Omniverse Consciousness (avantgárd black metal)
Dragony Hic Svnt Dracones (melodikus/szimfonikus power metal)
Dumuzid Hellbound Ritual Assault (black metal)
Dustborn Unconcealed Atrocities (szimfonikus death metal)
Entraven Among the Ruins of Our Minds (progresszív metal)
For the Storms Losing What’s Left of Us (doom/death/sludge/post-metal)
Glorius Renacer (heavy/power metal)
Griefsoul Extreme Northern Griefmetal (melodikus death metal)
Grimmferd Grimmferdr (black metal)
Hëhlmot De Cumbres Antiguas y Fuerzas Primordiales (pogány black metal)
Hell Is Other People Moirae (post-black metal)
Homosapien Homosapien (melodikus death metal)
Ignis Eternum Beginning of the End (melodikus death metal)
Illmara Blodlust (black metal)
Klynt Thunderous (power/thrash metal)
Knaut Knaut (blackened death metal)
Knightsune Fearless (heavy/power/speed metal)
Konatus Psikoz (death metal)
Kozoria The Source (heavy metal)
Krvl Donkere paden (post-black metal)
Laudare Requiem (post-hardcore/avantgárd metal)
Lorridi Lorridi (epikus heavy metal)
Malasorte Apex Sovereignty (black metal)
Mass Punishment Proving Grounds Devastation (thrash/groove metal)
Master Boot Record Hardwarez (industrial metal/synthwave/chiptune)
Morbid Invocation Opus I (black metal)
Mortuorum Immortality of the Night (death/black metal)
Mourn the Stars Saudade… (post-black metal)
Necrosys Nekrowersum (death metal)
Nefalem A Realm Beyond (melodikus death metal)
Negativus Detestabilis (death/groove metal)
Nichtung Epiphanichtung (black metal)
Oathless One Reverie in Crimson (nyers black metal/noise)
Oda Bloodstained (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Omenfog Middle Earth (atmoszferikus black metal/dungeon synth)
Oranssi Pazuzu Muuntautuja (pszichedelikus black metal)
Pandemmy Faithless (thrash/death metal)
Patxa Just Heavy Metal (heavy metal)
Pyracanda Losing Faith (thrash metal)
Regicide Eternal Siege (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Reverie Selenolatry (depresszív black metal)
Rise of Kronos Imperium (death/thrash metal)
Roots of Disease Saligia Speculum (death metal)
Sacrisal In the Eye of the Stone (thrash/death metal)
Santa Planta From the Trails of Desire (stoner/doom metal)
Scars of Solitude Under Disheartening Skies (melodikus heavy metal)
Scumklot Hazardous Upheaval (black metal/grindcore)
Scumripper For a Few Fixes More (black/thrash/death metal)
Shallow Existence The Pain in Living After (depresszív black metal)
Shoggoths Between and Beneath the One God Universe (nyers black metal/ambient)
Skin Eruption Hippie Punk (gótikus metal/rock)
Sorrowcrown Williwaw (black metal)
Speedrush Division Mortality (thrash/speed metal)
Star Rider Outta Time (heavy metal)
Talsur Lighthouse for a Charon’s Boat (melodikus doom/death metal)
Thanateros Tranceforming (gótikus/folk metal)
The Crown Crown of Thorns (melodikus death/thrash metal)
The Fërtility Cült A Song of Anger (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal)
The Mist from the Mountains Portal – The Gathering of Storms (melodikus black metal)
The Panic Broadcast Weapons of Mass Deception (melodikus death/groove metal)
Thornkryeg Necronomicon (black metal/dungeon synth)
Tyranni Dränkt av livets sekret (black metal)
Unveiling Bones Will Break First (sludge/doom metal)
Utopyca Le temple obscure (progresszív metal)
Villain in Me Sleepwalking (melodikus power metal)
Vitriolic Black Steel Vengeance (black/speed metal)
Vomit Forth Terrified of God (death metal)
Waheela Lupus (black metal)
Woodscream Чёрные птицы (folk metal)
Wrathprayer Enkoimeterion (black/death metal)
Your Highness Under the Weight (sludge/stoner metal)

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