Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. nov. 27 – dec. 3.)


Termékeny hetet zárt a földalatti zenék kohója. Százötven új korong között egészen biztosan akad az ízlésednek megfelelő produktum is.

Abandoned Humanity Against All Odds (progresszív groove/death metal)
Abduction Toutes blessent, la dernière tue (progresszív black/death metal)
Absorbed Access to Reverie (technikás death metal)
Abyss of Hel Into the Abyss (melodikus death/groove metal)
Abyssal Rift Extirpation Dirge (death metal)
Aggression Frozen Aggressors (thrash metal)
Anoxic Anoxic (death metal/deathcore)
Antü Fucha Trempulkalwe (pogány black metal)
Arcane Voidsplitter ARC-V (atmoszferikus drone/doom metal)
Axenstar Chapter VIII (power metal)
Behind the Throne Tormentor (melodikus death metal)
Beyond This Earth Portraits of the Absurd (stoner metal)
Beyondition Abysmal Night (death metal)
Bjes Končina (post-black metal)
Bjørkø Heartrot (melodikus heavy/progresszív metal)
Black Hate Via Pvrgativa… (black/death metal)
Black Stag Rising Temples (avantgárd black/power metal)
Blowhole Belligerent Oceanspawn (blackened heavy metal/punk)
Carnal Horyzont zdarzeń (doom/death metal)
Certain Death Beast (death/thrash metal)
Challenger Deep III. The Path (sludge/post-metal)
Cobra Spell 666 (heavy metal/hard rock)
Conflagration Exhausted (thrash metal)
Course of Sunrise Mist (black/funeral doom metal)
Daemonic Dreams Aeon (melodikus death metal)
Daimos A World Beyond (power/heavy/progresszív metal/rock)
Dauðaró Tíminn (funeral doom metal)
Deduction of a Miscalculation Beyond Apex (death metal)
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis (black metal)
Demons of Noon Death Machine (sludge/doom metal)
Dethroned A Bridge to Eternal Darkness (black metal)
Diminium Dissonant (groove/progresszív metal)
Dixie Goat Order, Chaos, Life and Death (pszichedelikus/alternatív/stoner/hard rock)
Draakanaon Draagaon (nyers black metal)
Eitrin Eitrin (avantgárd black metal)
Embrace Your Punishment Made of Stone (brutális death metal/hardcore)
Empusa with Devastation The Throes of Humanity (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Endys Nigh Die Is Cast (heavy metal)
Faded Colors Winter/Vampiric Black Metal (nyers black metal)
Feral Howl Worshipper (black metal)
Flames of Fire Our Blessed Hope (heavy metal)
Floodlands Universe 25 (sludge/post-metal/rock)
Forsaken Art Hypnagogia (dark ambient)
Gegenentwurf Tosendes Weiß (experimental black metal)
Gevaudans Gauntlet Rime of the Perpetual Stygian Battery (black metal)
Gobolin Master Wrath of the Orkish Horde (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Godskill III: Nazarene Sickness (blackened death metal)
Grau Abseits des Lichts (black metal)
Gravehammer Bones to Harvest (death/doom/black metal)
Greydon Fields Otherworld (heavy/thrash metal)
Grief Prison And So We Carry On (sludge/doom metal)
Harad Star of Discord, Arms of Chaos (melodikus black metal)
Hatred Reigns Awaken the Ancients (brutális/technikás death metal)
Heimdalls Wacht Mystagogie – Lieder voll Ewigkeit (pogány black metal)
Helfró Tálgröf (black metal)
Hellbomb Hellbomb (black/thrash metal/hardcore punk)
Hellhound666 Hassmusik (black/death metal/grindcore)
Horoh Aberration (death metal)
Hostilius Four (nyers black metal)
Hwwauoch Under the Gaze of Dissolution (atmoszferikus black metal)
Idaslet Nu skrider dagen under (folk metal)
Illuminated Darkness Alea Iacta Erit (black metal)
Imperial Triumphant Covers Collection (EP) (avantgárd/technikás black/death metal)
Infected Morchirium Luciferum (black metal)
Infernation Dark Path of Renunciation (black/death metal)
Inner Hate Worthless Throne (melodikus death/groove metal)
Isospin Aftermath Chronicles (progresszív metal)
Ivann Megalomania Cyberpunk (death/thrash metal)
Jzovce Feral Field (depresszív/post-black metal)
Krallice Mass Cathexis 2 – The Kinetic Infinite (avantgárd black metal)
Kranium Circus of the Dead (thrash/heavy metal)
Kriegszittern Flamethrower (death metal)
Krsnī Svoboda (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lethal Fate Argonauts (heavy metal)
Liminalanimal The Furies and Futility (black/doom metal)
Luciation Ancient Ways of Evil Darkness (black metal)
Mahr – Odium (atmoszferikus black metal)
Manipura Mess Is Lore (atmoszferikus black metal)
Meatball Grinder Split (death metal)
Metal Jacket Patchwork (heavy/thrash/power metal)
Mind Control Elements (progresszív death metal)
Monolith Synthetic Misery (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Mortalicum Epilogue of Life (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Mortuorum Disruption of the Blood Feast (death/black metal)
Nimrod B.C. Legacy of the Dead (power/thrash metal)
Noční Můra Noční Můra II (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Nocturnal Degrade Cursed Echoes from the Past (depresszív black metal/ambient)
Nocturnal Evil Furor Diabolicus (black/thrash metal)
Nornír Skuld (black metal)
Notice of Destruction Inni d’irriverenza (thrash metal)
Obliti Devoravit Under My Michigan Sky (black metal)
Ocelotl In Tloque in nahuaque (melodikus death/folk metal)
Omega Diatribe Deviant (djent/groove metal)
Oniricous Los cultos del ghoul (death metal)
Oro Vid vägs ände (sludge metal)
Panopticon The Rime of Memory (atmoszferikus black/folk metal)
Paradise Lost Icon 30 (gótikus/doom/death metal/rock)
Pharmakeia Maenadic Ecstasy (black metal)
Phenomistik As-Sahar III (pogány/black metal)
Prosperity Gospel Society of the Spectral (black metal/shoegaze)
Provoke the Colossus Provoke the Colossus (groove/thrash metal)
Pull the Strings Relinquish the Light (nyers black metal)
Putrid Omen Blasphemia (black/death metal)
Reap Born from Plague (grindcore/death metal)
RüYYn Chapter II: The Flames, the Fallen, the Fury (black metal)
Ryvelion La rebelión de los condenados (thrash metal)
Sahlm Sense of Light (doom/post-black metal/shoegaze)
Secret of Darkness Blacksun Rising (melodikus black/death metal)
Seið We Are Doomed (sludge/doom metal)
Sibentodt Thanatopsis (black metal)
Siriusfall Origin (heavy metal/hard rock)
Skiltron Bruadarach (celtic folk/power metal)
Skulls Void of Misery (death/doom metal)
Slakteri The Oracle Beyond the Death Fields (avantgárd black metal)
Somnium de Lycoris In the Failing Hours (technikás death metal)
Sonic Storm Keys to Your Ruin (thrash metal)
Spell of Enchantress Lost Prayers of Those Forever Gone (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Stilleklang Tränen der Vergangenheit – Part II (atmoszferikus black/post-metal)
Suel Venomous Curse (black metal)
Swansong Awakening (melodikus death metal)
Sylvan Awe Pilgrimage (black metal)
Tatterdemalion Tatterdemalion (black metal/ambient)
The Company Corvette Little Blue Guy (stoner/doom metal)
The Lumbar Endeavor Waves of Heat (doom/sludge metal)
Thunder Rage The Beginning of Chaos (progresszív power metal)
Thunraz Borderline (death/industrial metal)
Tom Vautour Decimation (progresszív metal)
Topór Wieczna kaźń (thrash/speed metal)
Torvo Emptiness (thrash/groove metal)
Totenfeier The Tower from Which All Evil Dwell (black metal)
Toxic Sun Horizons Changing (stoner metal)
Trébuchet SDG Through the Dark Ages (melodikus black metal)
Until They Fall Sent to Die (melodikus death metal)
Ur Stone Throwers (stoner/doom metal)
Vampire’s Castle Land of the Rocking Vampires (szimfonikus epikus gótikus/black metal)
Vanguard III: Pyrrhic Sequence (melodikus death metal)
Varathron The Crimson Temple (black metal)
Visions of Atlantis A Pirate’s Symphony (melodikus/szimfonikus power metal)
Voice of Ruin Cold Epiphany (thrash/groove metal)
Voidsphere To Infect | To Inflict (atmoszferikus black metal)
Warlamb Predator (thrash/death metal)
Way2Far Red Horizon (melodikus/progresszív metal)
Wintermoon Cold Sky Rising (black metal)
Within Destruction Rebirth (EP) (deathcore)
Yermo Yermo (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus post-black metal)
Yrzen Trialvòd (szimfonikus/melodikus death/folk metal)
Zodomy Death Artist (black/thrash metal)
Zrak He Dies but What Comes After? (nyers black metal)

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