Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. július 3-9.)


Egy híján száz új lemez megjelenésére hívjuk fel a figyelmeteket, hogy köztük felfedezhessétek az ízléseteknek megfelelő újdonságokat.

Absurdeity Unspeakable Butchery (death metal)
All for Metal Legends (heavy metal)
Annimax Asphalt Assault (heavy metal)
Anti-Sapien Calculating Obsolescence (death metal/grindcore)
Arav Krishnan The Fallen System (heavy/groove metal)
Astral Tomb Total Spiritual Death (death metal)
Atomic Symphony Nemesis (progresszív metal)
Bansidh Orgetontiros (folk metal)
Blackbraid Blackbraid II (atmoszferikus black metal)
Blackscape Suffocated by the Sun (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Bloodbound Tales from the North (heavy/power metal)
Celéne Forlorn Paradise (atmoszferikus black/doom/gótikus metal)
Clandestine Blaze Resacralize the Unknown (black metal)
Cold Fate Return to Reality (thrash metal)
Darker Tales Book One (heavy/power metal)
Dawn of Age Into the Abyss (heavy/thrash/death metal)
Death Wins Death Wins (sludge metal)
Demolizer Post Necrotic Human (thrash metal)
Diabol Bestial Horrors (black/thrash metal)
Difuntor Ancient Wicked Spells from the Necro Cult (death metal)
Disobedience Darkness Takes You (progresszív death metal)
Division Charlemagne Panleukonium (black metal)
Drow III (heavy metal)
Eigenstate Zero Machinery of Night (progresszív death metal)
Ene Et alter av forakt (black metal)
Eternity Mundicide (black metal)
Evoking Winds Bald Mountain (atmoszferikus black/folk metal)
Executioner Kingdom of Nocturnal Offerings (speed/black/thrash metal)
Fen Monuments to Absence (atmoszferikus black metal/post-rock)
Froglord Sons of Froglord (doom/sludge metal)
Gardien de Porcs Et pour les traditions (black metal)
Gateway Galgendood (death/doom metal)
Ghül Land of Shadow (black metal)
Glast Heim Samsara (melodikus death metal)
God Is Dead Dance Macabre (death metal)
Grael Witches Moon (gótikus/doom metal)
Grievious Bayangan Semu (szimfonikus metal)
Gutslit Carnal (brutális death metal)
Haunt Something Near (black metal)
Hercules The Final Stand (epikus heavy metal)
Hermóðr To Be Alone (atmoszferikus black metal)
Human Decomposition Through the Omnipotent Implosions (slam/brut. death metal)
Iatrogenia Compulsive Pathological Carnifexia (brutális death metal)
Imperceptum Chaos Pilgrimage (atmoszferikus black/funeral doom metal)
Iron Casket Where Iron Death Roams (death metal)
Kalrog Naar Lord Parias Returns (heavy/power metal)
Lecher Barbacena (heavy metal)
Mammuthus Imperator (stoner/doom metal)
Mangrove Sin retorno (heavy metal)
Mimesis Unbehagen (black/thrash metal)
Misantropia Portals to the Eternal Rest (black metal)
Mortician 40 Years of Metal (heavy metal)
Nasty Surgeons Anatomy Lessons (death metal/grindcore)
Natura Aeternum The Faceless Man (epikus/atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Nexxt Spiritual Survivor (groove metal)
Nightmare Slaughter The Mother of Abortions (death metal)
Nihil Invocation Blood upon the Gates at Dawn (black metal)
Nita Strauss The Call of the Void (progresszív metal/shred)
Noble Victory Minotaur (death metal)
Nostalghia Duelo (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Ophidian Memory Our Shattered Garden (melodikus death metal)
Ornamentos del Miedo El cosmos me observa en silencio (atmoszf. funeral doom metal)
Overdose Nuclear Metal do Mangue (death/thrash metal)
Pandemic Outbreak Awaken to Mutilate (death/thrash metal)
Pleń Przechrzta (black metal)
Pogavranjen Ciao! (avantgárd black metal)
Preludium Fury The Last Stand (power metal)
Resthaven Resthaven (thrash/death/post-metal)
Rêvasseur Talisman (melodikus death metal)
Sélidor Ecos del abismo (heavy/power metal)
Senistro King of Rotten Land (gótikus metal)
Serpent Corpse Blood Sabbath (death metal/punk)
Servant Aetas Ascensus (black metal)
Shuggah Reincarnation (melodikus power metal)
Slaughtopsy Mit Stumpf und Stiel (blackened brutális death metal)
Snuffed on Sight Smoke (brutális death metal/hardcore)
Spartans Nunca dejes de soñar (progresszív heavy metal)
Sterbenswille Dunkelheit (post-black metal)
Storm of Souls The Reason to Live (thrash metal)
The Nihilistic Front A Cavernous Descent into Filth (doom/death metal)
The Raven Age Blood Omen (melodikus groove/metalcore)
The Shadows of Ithaca Hunt the Hunter (heavy metal)
Thelemite Survival of the Fittest (heavy metal)
Thunderforge Vanquish the Sun (heavy/power metal)
Tortured Genetically Engineered Monstrosity (brutális death metal)
TRRRHT Incantation of the Esoteric Light (black/death metal)
Uamh At the Edge of the Loch (post-black metal)
Under Victoria Beyond the Shadow Veil (black metal)
Voidmïlker Labyrinthical (black metal)
Vulsekt Etherfire (black metal)
Weaving Shadows Cast Through Time (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Wicked Sorcerer Infernal Bloodcult Witchery (heavy/death/doom metal)
Widow’s Peak Claustrophobe (technikás death metal)
Winterage Nekyia (szimfonikus power metal)
Withering Scorn Prophets of Demise (heavy metal)
Wizard Master Ablanathanalba (stoner/doom metal)
Wyld Timez Nefarious Instinct (blackened heavy/speed metal)
Ylmgard Ambulabit in Tenebris (black metal)
Zaratán Orbital (post-black metal)

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