Fémjelzés – két hét újdonságai (2022. december 12-25.)


Az elmúlt két hét terméséből bőven jut hallgatnivaló a karácsonyi ebéd mellé, úgyhogy ezzel a közel 200 lemezből álló gyűjteménnyel kívánunk minden olvasónak boldog karácsonyt!

A Secret Ending Fishers of Men (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
A Vintage Death Gruesome Shades (blackened doom/death metal)
Abigail Imperio maldito (melodikus black metal)
Acatonia Варианты событий (progresszív metal)
Akiavel Veni Vidi Vici (melodikus death metal)
Alberto Thrash Pimentel Sangre de Cristo (thrash metal)
Alchemist Roots of All Muses (power/thrash metal)
Amyr Abadawn The Next Chapter (szimfonikus/progresszív metal)
Angelic Forces Arise (heavy metal)
Aphylon Aprostheosis (power metal)
Arche Transitions (funeral doom metal)
Arkenfrost Die sonnenlose Senke (black/doom metal)
Ars Goecia Rex Mundi (black metal)
Arthrosis Libri Septem (thrash/death/groove metal)
Ashtarothum Dark Perfection (black metal)
Atrocity Malicious Sukkubus (EP) (szimfonikus death metal)
Azaryahu Seed ov God (szimfonikus black metal)
Azketem Azetik (black metal)
Bafumarias Blood Moon (black/death metal)
Bastyon The End of Reason (heavy metal)
Black Widow Killers Servant of the Ancients (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Blade of Surtr Baptized in Fire (black metal)
Brakas La Batalla (heavy metal)
Bucovina Suntem Aici (black/folk metal)
Buried Souls Whispers (sludge/southern metal/hardcore)
Burnt Lodge Burnt Lodge (melodikus black metal)
Calnek Blood of the Wild (atmoszferikus black metal)
Canera The Greatest Riffs (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
Careworne Entertainer of the Apocalypse (thrash metal)
Cave Blind Return of Iron and Steel (black/heavy/speed metal)
Ceremonic Buryment As We Weep Over Life (funeral doom metal)
Chavasckall Liturgias Blasfémicas do Culto Satânico (black metal)
Cinerarium Hung Drawn and Quartered (death metal)
Cirith Gorgor Cirith Gorgor MMXXII (black metal)
Citadel Chosen Bereft (progresszív death metal)
Coprolalia Offensive Brutality (brutális death metal)
Coraxo Luna (elektronika/melodikus death metal)
Cryptic Carnage Scriptures of Torment (death metal)
Darksun The Messiah (black/death metal)
Dawün Pellí Curi Chilwé (black metal)
Decathect Decathect (progresszív black/death metal)
Desert Voices Never Ending (heavy metal)
Désespéré Perpetuus Somnium Mortis (depresszív black/doom metal)
Desolate Empyrean Selfdestructive (melodikus doom/death metal)
Diabolical Deformity Daemonium Regnum (death metal)
Dirtbag Dirtbag (doom/sludge metal)
Død Håp Black Sun (post-black metal)
Dødsengel Bab Al On (black metal)
Doriyah Human (blackened death/doom metal)
DownPitch Director’s Cut (death metal)
Draakanaon Hell Metal (nyers black metal)
Draakanaon Saadist (nyers black metal)
Drakh Crossing Spirits (death metal)
Dreadful Beast The Beast of the Night (thrash metal)
Dreams of the Damned Needlemouse (thrash metal)
Drought Older Dryas (avantgárd black metal)
Druknroll My Dark Desires (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Dziban Occult Shrine of Fortune 666 (melodikus/atmoszferikus black metal)
Eldaskal Savagery Eternal (melodikus folk/black metal)
Elikadama Choreography of Femininity (black/sludge/doom metal/ambient)
Empty Skull Discharged Obscenity (black metal)
Envenomed Manifest of the Primordial Essence (death/thrash metal)
Epidemic Scorn Destrumanity (death metal)
Epitomectomy Incoherent Mumbling of the Dead (slam/brutális death metal)
Erstwhile Desolation (black metal)
Esophagus Inglorious Beings (slam/brutális death metal)
Et Mors Lifeless Grey (funeral doom/black metal)
Ever After Fucking Phoenix (szimfonikus metal)
Evil Oath A Kingdom on Fire (black metal)
Explorer Still Alive… and Now? (speed metal)
Eye of Destruction Legacy of the Damned (thrash metal)
Eysenbrey Die Schlacht Part I (black metal)
Fallen Gabriel From the Heavens I Fell (black metal)
Final Error Necromantic Rituals (crossover/thrash metal)
Fleshgore Carnival of Flesh (brutális death metal)
From Beyond The Great Old Ones (progresszív black/death metal)
Futurism Detrimental (doom/black/death metal)
Godwatt Vol. III (stoner/doom metal)
Golden Bats Scatter Yr Darkness (sludge metal)
Gorekaust Ancient Halls of Emptiness (death metal)
Green King Hidden Beyond Time (heavy/doom metal)
Grevlar Planetary Sufferance (death metal)
Greybeard Dark Age (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Groundsleeper Liberated Solitude in Death (black/doom metal)
Grymmstalt Anthems of Mournful Despondency (nyers black metal)
Gvla Ira (black metal)
Halls of Blasphemy The Eye of Omniscience (black metal)
Hate Forest Innermost (black metal/ambient)
Heartscore The Edge of Times (heavy metal/rock)
Hellish The Dance of the Four Elemental Serpents (blackened thrash metal)
Heretic Dominion (death metal)
Ice Chemicals Alchemy (progresszív death metal/metalcore)
IceHammer Печать ночных штормов (melodikus heavy metal)
Imperium of Vanity Countdown (szimfonikus metal)
Infernal Storms Imperium of Satana (black/death metal)
Innerside Human’s Rot (death/thrash metal)
Interceptörrrs 7 en la mira (heavy/speed metal)
Interra In Your Hands (melodikus death metal)
Irae Assim na Terra como no Inferno (black metal)
Jewel Throne Hail Satan Our Lord (black metal)
Jinx Cold Breath Of Death (heavy/thrash metal)
Jrago Disconnect (progresszív heavy/thrash/death metal)
Kaosarium Universe (melodikus black/death metal)
Kate Nord Compass to Your Heart’s Desire (szimfonikus metal)
Kill Hill Tetrinencia (power/thrash metal)
Kirous Arkunhenki (black metal)
Kossuth Necronym (technikás death metal)
Krajiny Hmly Cez ostrie skál (pogány black metal)
Krsnī Trьvoga (atmoszferikus black metal)
Krvna For Thine Is the Kingdom of the Flesh (black metal)
Kuthah Abyssal Realms and Rulers (black/doom/death metal)
Last Battle Birth of a New World (black/death metal)
Leyenda Cuentos asombrosos (melodikus heavy metal)
Liv Moon Our Stories (szimfonikus power metal)
Lucifer’s Dungeon Storm (black metal/ambient)
Maggot King Scraping the Grinder of Decay (slam/brutális death metal)
Mallus Spiritus Vultures of Despair (industrial black metal)
Mare Infinitum Cryosleep (atmoszferikus doom/death metal)
Master Dy Legacy of Satan (szimfonikus gótikus/heavy metal)
Maximize Bestiality Omnihilation (slam/brutális death metal)
Medenera L’età degli eroi (atmoszferikus black metal)
Mike Bertoli’s Avatar The Giant Within (heavy/power metal)
Misþyrming Með hamri (black metal)
Moral Corruption Reborn (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Morbonoct Chorna bezodnya (szimfonikus black metal)
Mordum In Peccato Mortali (technikás death metal)
Mørk Verden Feldenhung (black metal)
Mushroom Forager Restoration (stoner/doom metal)
Naakhum Crisi de civilització (blackened folk metal)
Nara Saibi (atmoszferikus black metal)
Nemophila Seize the Fate (heavy metal)
Nigmar End of Our World (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Nigrum Elevenfold Tail (black metal)
Niovel Long Way from Neverland (szimfonikus power metal)
Nocte Assassination of Azrael (black/death metal)
Noenum Heresiarch (black metal)
Noissick Elemental (stoner/sludge/groove metal)
Norvern Fight and Drink (folk metal)
Obsidian Hooves Illuminating Void (death metal)
Opium Doom Cult Seer – Serpent – Sorrow (doom metal)
Orgulho do Caraças Sturm Shining Lusitania (speed/black metal/hardcore punk)
Osy Mainty Abomination’s Nest (Experimental black/doom metal)
Our Loss Is Total I (black metal)
Percussor Ravenous Despondency (death metal)
Private Prisons Extrication (doom/death/post-metal)
RoachZilla Uppercut (metalcore/groove metal)
Rosebad Lo que no mata me hace más fuerte (heavy metal/hard rock)
Rot As Darkness Burns (nyers black metal)
Rudra Eight Mahavidyas (death/black/folk metal)
Sangre El no muerto (thrash metal)
Simpulmati Opera Merah (death metal)
Since the Death I Belong to Christ (death/black metal)
Slave One Disclosed Dioptric Principles (death metal)
Sleepless Empire Sleepless Empire (progresszív death metal)
Smrt Razuma Nova era mraka (thrash metal/crossover)
Soldiers of Forgiveness The Year of Virgo (heavy/power metal)
Sonic Dynamite Another World (melodikus heavy metal)
Sorry… Innocence.Love.Sadness (depresszív black metal)
Sources Hollow Tree (sludge/doom metal)
Spectral Corruption Requiem (nyers black metal)
Steal My Hope The Battle Within (progresszív metal)
Stoneblood Shrines of Morbid Indignity (melodikus black metal)
Strymer Enraged in Utter Darkness (black metal)
Subantarctic Forest Perturbando el equilibrio existente (death metal)
Substained Grim Seasons of Alchemy (black metal)
Sulferon Ghastly, Grim and Ancient (black metal)
Supruga Смерть культуры (black/sludge metal/hardcore)
Syndactyly Tortures of the Inquisition (slam/brutális death metal)
System Trashed Reversions II (heavy metal/hard rock)
The Crippler I’m Just Gonna Let Myself In (grindcore/thrash/death metal)
The Furor Head Full of Hell (black/death metal)
The Magician Reversed Arcana: Death (atmoszferikus doom/post-metal)
The Prolet Kult The First Assembly (blackened sludge/doom metal)
The Seventh Proclamation of Satyr Grall and the Mighty… (heavy/thrash metal)
This White Mountain The Pain of Loss (atmoszferikus black metal)
Transgresión …en un lugar harto de odio… (speed/thrash metal)
Triumph of Death Umbra Mortis (black metal)
Tryckvåg Legacy (heavy metal)
Tusenårseken Mardrömsmeditationer (black metal)
Unredeemer Word Become Flesh (death/groove metal)
Vargrike A Vereségben (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Verflucht …In Frig (nyers black metal)
Victim Planet of Graves (thrash metal)
Visceral Call Omen (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Vita Stercoris Crepitus (sludge metal)
Vonülfsrëich Miasmal Winds (black metal)
Weeping Kin Gnawing (melodikus doom metal)
Wind in His Hair Future Primitives (atmoszferikus black metal/punk)
Winterwar Wizard of the North (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Wolftower Crownless King of the Dismal Dark Empire (black metal)
Wraithlord Dawn of Sorrow (black metal)
WytchCrypt Peste de la mer (doom metal)
Ziegenhorn Blut&Kaos (black/death metal)

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